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Living for Today/Planning for Tomorrow


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Written by Shelly Lynch, this book is a practical guide to Financial, Estate, and Survivorship Planning. A TIME TO LIVE…A TIME TO PLAN…It’s easy to be so busy with everyday life that we neglect making thoughtful plans for the future – until it’s too late and crucial decisions are made in haste: Do I have adequate income for retirement? Will I need catastrophic health care insurance? Should I consider a pre-need funeral plan? How about my will? Have I set my house in order? Survivors, too, should be ready to face the issues: How do I file for insurance and social security benefits? Should I move to a new home? (How about house-sharing?) Where do I find the emotional support that is no longer there? There is helpful information available in all these areas. Living For Today/Planning For Tomorrow brings together much of that information under one cover. It is produced in response to innumerable inquiries received through the years by Development Ministries of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

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Billy Graham Evangelistic Association


Shelly Lynch