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The Story of a Whim


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A passing fancy–or a life-changing event?

What would he do with Sunday school books? The old organ that arrived with his belongings would provide some music for his lonely life, but the thought of him starting a Sunday school was laughable. Still, he would write to his benefactor and thank her. It was the least he could do. Better not tell her he was a young man, though. Why embarrass her? If she were an example of Christianity, maybe he should even take a look at that Bible she sent. What could it hurt?

A group of girls send gifts and letters to one whom they think to be a young woman like them. “Christie” is really a poor young bachelor tending his orange grove in sunny Florida. Through his correspondence with Hazel (who still thinks he’s a girl) he becomes a Christian, and falls in love with her. What will happen when she takes a trip south to meet her dear pen-pal?

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Fleming H. Revell


Grace Livingston Hill