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Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster


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The mind-body techniques in this book help you to feel calmer before surgery, use 23-50% less pain medication and heal faster. You will learn to use relaxation to calm preoperative jitters and create the biochemistry that enhances healing. Next you are gently guided to use visualisation to turn worries into healing imagery. Add to that the healing power of organising a support group of family and friends who surround you in love for the half-hour before surgery. Finally, Healing Statements, words spoken by the anaesthesiologist during surgery, are one of the five keys to the success of Huddleston’s programme. Medical research documents that positive statements reduced the use of pain medication following surgery. The book includes sections on lessening the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, vitamins that speed healing, preparing children for surgery, plus extensive resources and references.

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Angel River Press


Peggy Huddleston