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Community of the Abandoned


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These stories of Salty Saints in Community of the Abandoned are insightful accounts of the continued unfolding Gospel. They describe one man’s encounters with Jesus through relationship with the poor. In an arid world where hope, joy, and faith wither in the desert, The Community of the Abandoned offers us a cool glass of clear spring water. In a bad news world where we feel hard pressed to find the Good News, especially for the less fortunate among us, Mike Elliott’s stories point us clearly and poignantly toward the Good News at work just where we least expect it, in the lives of the humble, the hungry, the down-and-out. And in a world where our own personal problems all too often divert us from the Christian compassion we intend to live out from day to day, these stories remind us to care also for the fascinating, sometimes motley, always engaging members of the Community of the Abandoned, our sisters and brothers.

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The Crossroad Publishing Company


Micheal Elliott