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The Stranger From Medina


West Texas Sunrise series, book 3

1 in stock (can be backordered)



A new preacher arrives at the West Texas town of Burnt Rock to lead the eager flock of a burgeoning frontier church. Handsome and sophisticated, Reverend Warner soon wins the affection and respect of the congregation, but he seems particularly drawn to lady rancher Lee Morgan.

Ben Flood is not taken in so quickly. He has shaken the hand of the new minister and found it heavily calloused, an odd thing to find in an educated man.  And doesn’t the minister have an unusual fondness for guns?

Ben’s suspicions of the minister seem petty to Lee, who is taken with this man of the cloth. But is there something more substantial to the marshal’s instincts? When a blizzard hits Burnt Rock, the truth plays out in both murder and redemption.

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Fleming H. Revell


West Texas Sunrise


Paul Bagdon