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Soul on Fire


Saul of Tarsus. Paul the apostle. Same man same unwavering devotion to God. This is the story of the transformation from Saul to Paul. The same impassioned conviction that led him to deal crushing blows to the first-century Christians also led him to ultimately lose his own life under Nero’s sword, defending the cause he so vehemently despised as a young man.

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Saul of Tarsus. Paul the apostle. Same man. Same unwavering devotion to God.

This is the story of the transformation from Saul to Paul. The same impassioned conviction that led him to deal crushing blows to the first-century Christians also led him to ultimately lose his own life under Nero’s sword, defending the cause he so vehemently despised as a young man.

In between lies the road to Damascus. On this road, Saul is haunted by the recollection of a goldsmith named Stephen, brutally executed yet asking for forgiveness for his murderers in the name of Jesus. And on this road he has the Vision.

Many people who have heard of Saul find it difficult to believe that he same man who helped kill Stephen now embraces the way of the crucified Galilean. Among those people are two Roman centurions: Paulus, a distant cousin of Saul’s, and Longinus, the soldier who pierced Jesus’ side as he died on the cross. These two were the first to inform Saul of the growing number of followers in the new sect. They were also the first to watch his anger seethe at the thought of Jews following a crucified carpenter. Although the three men separated, in the years that follow their paths cross with unusual frequency.

Remaining loyal to the known facts as recorded in Scripture, LeGette Blythe has created a novel that is rich in imagery and emotion. From the fearful inner turmoil of Pilate to the love of Claudia and Longinus, Blythe has captured exquisitely the extremes of love and hate, brutality and compassion, spiritual life and spiritual death. He has documented the inner workings of the Roman government complete with all the palace intrigue and corruption that accompany it.

And, above all, Blythe has portrayed Saul of Tarsus for what he was-a determined, impassioned individual with his soul on fire for God.

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Moody Press


LeGette Blythe