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Line of Duty


Newpointe 911 series book 5

(Cover picture doesn’t match the one in our library, but it’s the same book!)

1 in stock (can be backordered)


Just before the first bomb exploded in the Icon International Building …

… attorney Jill Nichols was on the top floor, taking a deposition from CEO Donald Merritt for a case of corporate stock fraud. Directly below them on the twenty-ninth floor, Merritt’s assistant was about to discover the explosive device in time to alert the building – but not to empty it.

The massive blast turns the upper stories of the New Orleans high-rise into an inferno. A five-alarm call goes out to fire houses in surrounding towns, and now Newpointe’s firefighters are on the scene. Knowing Jill may be trapped inside, fireman Dan Nichols is frantic. But his fears for his wife are eclipsed by two more explosions. In a terrifying echo of 9/11, the firefighters become the victims.

As loved ones from Newpointe wait for news from the rescue site, they sort through the rubble of their own lives, struggling with the riddle of God’s grace in the midst of shattering losses. Meanwhile, mounting evidence suggests that the attack may have come from within…and a grieving, rage-ridden young teenager may hold the secret that can bring a mass murderer to justice.

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Newpointe 911


Terri Blackstock